06-The Frost Gate








  • 破壞投石器讓盧瑞克王子和阿斯卡隆難民可以安全通過。
  • 在矮人要塞中取得開啟寒霜之門所需的齒輪拉桿
  • 隱藏任務:竊取石峰矮人的機密攻城武器設計圖。
  • 附加:在盧瑞克王子遭到攻擊前,啟動三個寒霜之門的開關裝置。



The ballistas are easy to find, since destroying each one opens a gate allowing you to travel further south. Also, whenever a ballista strikes, you will see a flashing spot on your map showing where it was fired from. In order to destroy a ballista, kill the 石峰矮人工程師 next to it.The ballistas are located at the points marked A on the map. Continue south until you reach point B on the map, where you will find a 齒輪拉桿. Bring the lever to the gate in order to open it. Once it is open, you will be faced with a few groups of 石峰矮人 guarding the three mechanisms. You will have to clear the area and put the Gear Lever into 3 winches, which together open the frost gate and complete the mission (point C on the map).

備註: 當你將齒輪放到開關裝置中,當裝置啟動時,你將會短暫的失去齒輪。過了幾秒後,齒輪會重新出現在開關旁。所以請確定開關有在動作然後等待齒輪的出現。

When your lever carrier puts the lever into a mechanism, he/she will lose the lever for a few seconds while the mechanism is started. The lever will then be dropped next to the mechanism. So, make sure they stand and wait for it to drop.

提示: 在你清除兩群石峰矮人的軍隊後,你可以將你的隊伍成員移動到石峰矮人援軍來到的路上然後突襲他們。如此一來你可以在不被干擾的情況下啟動三個開關裝置。

If you have cleared the two groups that are initially guarding the mechanisms, you can then move the rest of your party to the gate where the Summit are coming from and engage them. This leaves the three mechanisms clear for your lever carrier to operate them unmolested.



The bonus mission is triggered by rescuing 洛奈科斯通萊基 from the 霜火蛛化精靈 caves (point 1 on the map). Be careful when engaging the dryders, as they can place a great burden on healers with their use of the 苦難 spell. Rornak will ask you to help him retrieve some secret plans from the Stone Summit dwarves nearby. Exit west from the cave, and you will find a group of Stone Summit fighting a group of 雙頭巨人s. Beyond them will be a crater area where the ballista fire lands. In that crater, you will notice a small opening to yor right (the path to point 2 on the map); follow that path. Beware of two groups of Stone Summit there; if they are together, they will pose a significant challenge, especially with several 石犛牛騎士s healing each other and the Summit. Defeat them and go up the road to the ballista. Rornak will fix it and you can fire the ballista to open a gate on the other side. Afterwards, go back to the crater area, head across the bridge and enter the now opened door. Proceed up the mountain and retrieve the plans (point 3 on the map). Run the plans back to Rornak.

提示1: 最安全完成目標的方式是在和洛奈科斯通萊基對話前,把橋兩端還有投石器附近的敵人通通都清了。之後再和他對話,把他留在投石器那,拿了設計圖,完成任務。

The cleanest way to complete the bonus is to avoid Rornak until you've cleared out both the area across the bridge, and the path leading to the derelict ballista. Then talk to him, walk him down, leave him at the ballista, and go get the plans.


Skills that do 範圍性 damage, or that 降咒 (死靈法師 and 幻術師 skills, for example) can make the fight with the dwarves guarding the ballista (point 2) a lot easier. Remember to focus on defeating any 石犛牛騎士s first. If they are clustered together, try pulling them away from each other back up the path and eliminating them one by one.

提示3: 在點3的機密設計圖被一群冰高崙看守著,他們容易受到火焰風暴火球或者是其他範圍型法術的傷害。因為他們會承受兩倍的火焰傷害而且又不會跑來跑去。

The plans at point 3 on the map are mainly guarded by 冰高崙s. They are highly susceptible to 火焰風暴, 火球 and other fire AoE spells, as they take double 火焰傷害 and do not move.


You must talk to Rornak once you have the plans, or you will not be awarded the bonus.


精準之箭 from 守夜者加利斯 (not before 被遺忘者 quest at 命運峽谷).


