

Conditions are negative status effects that are placed upon a character either by a skill or by their environment. A single character can only be affected by a single instance of a particular condition at a time, though re-imposing a condition will reset its duration. Conditions can be removed by some monk skills. Several skills, particularly certain warrior skills, only achieve their maximum effect if the target is already suffering from a condition. Each condition has a unique icon that shows up on the Effects Monitor, additionally, a creature suffering from a condition has a brown, downward arrow at the right end of their health bar. Non-fleshy creatures are immune to the bleeding, disease and poison conditions.

Conditions include:

  • 流血 流血 - 三箭頭反生命回復值, 每秒減少 6 點生命
  • 盲目 盲目 - 攻擊會有90%的失誤
  • 著火 著火 - 七箭頭反生命回復值, 每秒減少 14 點生命
  • 殘廢 殘廢 - 移動速度降低50%
  • 暈眩 暈眩 - 施法時間延長兩倍, 而且容易被中斷
  • 重傷 重傷 - 體力最大值減少20%同時被治療效果減低20%
  • 疾病 疾病 - 四箭頭反生命回復值, 每秒減少 8 點生命, 而且會傳染至同類生物
  • 中毒 中毒 - 四箭頭反生命回復值, 每秒減少 8 點生命
  • 虛弱 虛弱 - 物理攻擊傷害下降66%, 全屬性 -1